In June, July and August, about 80 CANA meetings took place around the world. Here is a return from 11 countries on 3 different continents…
Intense program for Bruno & Anne-Marie COUTELLIER who joined the CANA fraternity teams in Melong: CANA Week, CANA Fraternal Life retreat, formation of leaders… More information here.

Innovation in Colombia: the first CANA Week was held 100 km from Bogota with the help of the Community of Zaragoza and many young Colombians. More information here.

After more than 3 years without a visit and 6 years without a CANA retreat, Gilles and Véronique CORMIER went to Brazil to meet the couples of the CANA team and the Chemin Neuf Community. The Community House, in Divinopolis, was perfectly suited to welcome these 8 couples. “We extended this mission with a weekend of formation for all the CANA leaders in Brazil (13 couples). The fruits were magnificent (personally and as a couple: joy, reconciliation, prayer life…). We have the hope that the call, heard by these couples to put themselves in service, will be followed by effect in spite of the obstacles of daily life.”

California, USA
It is in the beautiful setting of Harstone Bible Camp, in a mountainous wilderness area in northern California that CANA in the San Francisco area hosted the CANA Week June 24-30. One participant testifies, “CANA Week was incredible: having both time and space to meet with God with my wife while enjoying the food, fellowship, and having the pleasure of spending a week with other great families. We were deeply impressed by the convivial nature of the week, the diversity of the families who participated, and the desire to facilitate an encounter with God rather than rely on principles and programs.”

Several CANA weeks (Couples, Fiancés, Family) took place in different parts of the country: in Tigery near Paris, at the Étoile de la Mer near Mont Saint Michel, at the Maison Forte in Montagnieu and at the Abbey of Dombes.
A week for CANA Fiancés in Montagnieu! 24 couples were gathered to discuss important questions of the life of the couple: tenderness & sexuality, fertility…. Some couples came with a precise date of marriage and 3 couples became engaged during this week. Paul announced: “Now my ‘yes’ will be truly whole, total”.

During the first week of August, the Abbey of Dombes welcomed 50 families who came to live together for times of sharing, prayer, teachings on parenthood, etc. The sun and the heat did not prevent all these families from getting together and living beautiful moments.

This year, no CANA Week but a CANA Spiritual Retreat at Mount St Joseph, a Cistercian abbey located 1h30 from Dublin. For the retreatants it was a very good time and a beautiful experience. One of the participants shared that, until now, the Bible was only a book that he had never dared to open and how happy he was to finally be able to pray with the Word of God. Others were able to experience life in the Spirit: the texts, which were only words, became the living Word. For Ireland, this new year presents many challenges, the formation of the new team, the fraternal life in the fraternities as well as a missionary year for the CANA Fraternity in order to announce the CANA Week in the summer of 2023.
Near Vilnius in Guopstos, the Jesuit welcome center hosted the CANA Week (called KANA Camp). This center, with its pine forest, small lake, forest, sports facilities and pavilions, is perfectly adapted to the CANA pedagogy. The 16 participating couples were supported by an impressive team of servants who also benefited from a Martha and Mary program tailored to their needs and from distance learning thanks to Brother Zoom! A design team of several people was dedicated to decorating and furnishing the interior and exterior spaces. The children benefited greatly from the Good Shepherd program.

CANA Week had not been held at the Paulus Abdij since 2019, due to Covid. More than half of the 16 participating couples came from Protestant churches, with many young couples already having experience in charismatic life and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The servant couples happily followed their special program, entitled KANA +, as a second CANA Week lived in more depth. The 47 children enjoyed an exceptional reconciliation evening based on the Kizi Kids model. N & P NOWICKI

This year Senegal experienced the second CANA Week in its young history. The place chosen by the ocean was very attractive and helped the 8 participating couples to find their Creator and Lord. The local team was magnificently mobilized to welcome these new couples, coming mainly from Dakar. They were helped by an experienced couple from Burkina Faso who helped them grow in their knowledge of CANA’s pedagogy. The presence of a Marist priest throughout the week was a blessing and a real encouragement for all and a sign of support from the church in Senegal. So the CANA fraternity in Senegal is expected to grow this year!

During the CANA Week at Nitra Seminary, the rector and vice-rector gave us a very warm welcome. Most of the 13 participating couples came from the central and western part of the country and the majority were between 30 and 40 years old. The couples had a really good week. The team of adults and young people serving the 45 children did a great job. As in the past two years, the rector wanted the seminarians entering their 5th year to experience CANA. Six seminarians lived the week for themselves and followed all the proposals: teachings, sharing groups, etc… They were very happy with this experience which really prepares them for the family ministry they will have to lead in their future parishes.
Father C. BLIN
Sister Audrey JOLICOEUR went to Tanzania from August 8 to 13 for the CANA Spiritual Retreat which had not been held since 2016! A couple from the Chemin Neuf Community in Uganda and a Ugandan priest came especially for this retreat. 35 couples from Dar Es Salaam, Arusha, Morogoro and Dodoma were present to live this week. All of them were able to experience prayer as a couple and it was an important step in their journey with the Lord.