After 13 years with us, Gilles and Véronique, leaders of the CANA mission internationally, are leaving for new horizons. They would like to thank you and take this moment to reflect on what they have discovered over the years.
13 years ago we accepted responsibility for this CANA mission around the world. We left our home, Gilles’ job and our relationships in the south of France to join the CANA centre of the Communauté du Chemin Neuf, Les Pothières, near Lyon. We gained a bigger house, lots of brothers and sisters and work for both of us as a couple! Agathe, our last child, arrived at the age of 5, and we’re leaving with a teenage daughter.
Of course, there have been moments of tension, and we have needed to learn to work together, deepening our unity in the truth of our respective differences.
Of course, travelling to the ends of the earth or preparing and organising long meetings is tiring.
Of course, we were destabilised by the clash of our cultures, our national richness and poverties.
Of course, we were humiliated by the traces of certain historical events, but of course we were delighted by the successful sharing.
Of course, we ourselves may have been hurtful or lacking in understanding…
But in spite of all that, from Latvia to Uganda, from New Caledonia to California, via China, Lebanon and Colombia, we have had the joy of meeting so many couples and Church places that have welcomed us and trusted us! Their response to the Lord’s call to serve him alongside us has been a tremendous opportunity for us. An incredible richness!
The international meetings with CANA leaders in the different countries, the training, sharing and practical service in the field are all great experiences that have helped us to build the mission together.
Over the years, we have discovered ever more deeply that our different cultures are affected by the same questions, the same concerns about marital life. We all need to become aware of our personal limits, of the need for reconciliation as a couple, for time together to be able to continue this adventure together despite the pitfalls. All of us, and all our cultures!
It was edifying for us to see what a magnificent and inspired tool this CANA pedagogy is. It enables each couple to be co-actors with the Lord in their restoration and growth.
We’ve received it from other couples before us, and we’re going to pass it on to a new team. We hope to have brought a little of who we are with those who have carried the mission with us over the years.
We have been welcomed and trained by Father Christophe and we will be handing over to Sister Marie, who is already part of our team this year. With her own dynamism, her formation and the couples with her, she will continue to share the treasures of CANA entrusted to us by the Lord. Over the years, we have all become aware of the need to adapt our teaching methods to the realities of the modern world and the challenges facing the younger generations. The torch is in good hands to carry on this new path, and we two personally will keep your faces and all the good memories of our meetings in our hearts and prayers.

Gilles & Véronique CORMIER