CANA Lebanon chooses to courageously launch the year 2021-2022 with Chapter 6 of Amoris Laetitia: the challenge of crises, as a reflexion of the country in crisis.


All the couples of the CANA Lebanon Fraternity participated in the first event of the year. The launching day of the year, entitled “CRISIS-CHRIST”, had as its topic: “Challenges within the life of the couple, how to avoid and resolve them”. We based ourselves on the apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis “Amoris Laëtitia – The Joy of Love”, and more particularly on chapter 6, entitled “The challenge of crises”.

Indeed, couples go through all kinds of crises. Added to this are the difficulties faced by Lebanese couples, especially in these difficult times in the country.

During the day, three main crises were discussed:

A special logo created

A special LOGO for the day was created by the core group, to show that there is no such thing as a perfect couple and crises are there! But by choosing to welcome Christ inside the life of the couple, everything can disappear.

The day

The day started with a mass where all the families were present to praise the Lord and celebrate this time together as CANA Fraternity.

To deal with this difficult theme, the day continued with several activities:

  • Testimony
  • Sharing group
  • Couple time

At the same time, the children of the families enjoyed a rich time of activities and sharing.

The day ended with a review and a collective prayer!