CANA’s 40th anniversary
What a joy it is to celebrate CANA's anniversary regularly in different countries! Already in 2010, Sister Noëlle ISAAC shared with us how CANA has enriched her life as a consecrated sister.
What a joy it is to celebrate CANA's anniversary regularly in different countries! Already in 2010, Sister Noëlle ISAAC shared with us how CANA has enriched her life as a consecrated sister.
As early as July 1980, CANA welcomes children with their parents. The summer “gang” is a bit like a family story, like a miracle we are still receiving today.
The CANA House is today at the heart of an international mission. Since 1978 it has seen several generations formed with Chemin Neuf, and has become "a family of families".
The origin, profound meaning and pedagogy of CANA are summarised by Father Laurent Fabre, founder of the Chemin Neuf Community.
CANA: why this name? François & Laurence Cartier, International CANA leaders for several years, tell us about our origins and how an intuition became real.
July 22-27, 1980: first "CANA session" in France. Today, this adventure is still transforming the lives of couples in 50 countries around the world.