The party
What a joy it is to celebrate CANA’s anniversary regularly in different countries! Already in 2010, Sister Noëlle ISAAC shared with us how CANA has enriched her life as a consecrated sister.
40 years of CANA at Sablonceaux Abbey Celebration gets ready at Les Pothières for CANA’s 40th anniversary
God desires the fullness of happiness
Sr. Noëlle ISAAC, a consecrated celibate, was housekeeper of the first CANA Week in July 1980. Serving CANA in many countries around the world for many years, she shared what she discovered in “CANA Magazine” in 2010. Excerpt page 41.
“…Just as the servants at CANA saw with their own eyes that Jesus had indeed turned the water they had drawn from the well into wine; just as the master of the banquet tasted that exceptionally fine wine, I have witnessed God’s work. As a consecrated celibate, all that God performs in the way of miracles in the lives of couples is a parable of what he performs in those of consecrated celibates, and so in my life. I think of those priests who, invited to serve at CANA, shared with me that their ministry had been renewed by working with married couples.
Karol Wojtyla (now Saint John-Paul II), who was very close to many couples right from the start of his ministry, wrote a play called The Jeweller’s Shop about the lives of three couples. The material a jeweller works with is precious and requires a great deal of precision and patience. He never tires of working until he’s produced a masterpiece. Each jewel is unique.
Over the years, three words used to qualify God’s work have come to broaden my faith: abundant, like those six hundred litres of wine for a single wedding; excellent, the wine was exceptional; and free.
There is no limit to God’s work; he excludes nobody. He desires the fullness of happiness for all couples and for each and everyone. “Rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive.” (Jn 7, 38-39) On the final day of a CANA session, couples are often surprised to have received far beyond their expectations. These sessions are mini-Pentecosts for couples and families.
…I’m sure that God’s most heart-felt desire is that each couple should experience “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge,” (Ephesians 3, verse 18) and all its consequences for conjugal love.
In some countries I said to myself that the Lord could not only change water into wine, but change water polluted by our sin into excellent wine. “There where sin is abundant grace is overabundant,” writes Saint Paul.
“Free” is the word that’s become like a song of praise. God is the God of all grace. Everything is free; you don’t have to have great means to come and buy what is given. “Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes to take the free gift of the water of life.” (Revelation 22, verse 17)