All over the world, CANA invites couples and families to have a good time together. But from Belgium, California/USA, Cameroon and Senegal, each country has its own style! Have a look… You will discover beautiful personalities who have in common something quite special! Be inspired and intercede!
Come and meet them!
In more than 50 countries around the world, the CANA Fraternity invites couples and families to participate in a variety of activities in order to achieve a deeper and stronger love.
Many countries are in the midst of preparing for the upcoming CANA Week, as well as weekends that address important themes in the life of a couple. So, in recent months, national teams have been innovative and creative in attracting their audiences. The promotion of each of these programs depends on multiple factors: the country, the language, the theme and the medium. Indeed, each country and each program are different.
We are pleased to present how 4 countries promote CANA Week: Belgium, California/USA, Cameroon and Senegal.
It is also an invitation to travel, come and meet them to get to know each other!
After the recent weekend (April 22-23) that took place at the Chemin Neuf community house near Liege, several couples were so happy that they chose to share their findings.
To begin, here is the charming testimony of Nicolas & Sibylle, a young couple from the CANA fraternity in Belgium. Other testimonies will follow!
This 2 minutes video is available with French and English subtitles.
You can find the different proposals of CANA Belgium on their website, and find all the news of the country on their Facebook page.
California, USA
In the United States, the preparation of a lively and resourceful CANA Week is underway. To promote it, Californians decided to create a small photo montage of previous CANA weeks and weekends.
You can find more information about CANA in the United States on the website.
The Cameroonians have opted for the “flyer” formula. This is news to them! Photos of couples and fellowship provide all the necessary information in this invitation to CANA Week.

For more information about the events in Cameroon, please contact the people in charge of CANA in Cameroon. You can also follow their Facebook page to get the latest news.
In order to promote their next weekend in May, in the presence of Gilles & Véronique CORMIER, leaders of CANA International, the Senegalese have prepared a short video full of life. Come and see!
They are also preparing a new video for the CANA week.
To see the next videos of CANA Senegal, subscribe to their Facebook page!