On March 19, 2021, Pope Francis inaugurated the Year of the Family Amoris Laetitia, which will end on June 26, 2022, on the occasion of the 10th World Meeting of Families in Rome.
Echoing CANA and the Chemin Neuf Community
PouTo implement Amoris Laetitia, the Vatican team invites us to set out on a journey with families and proposes 12 paths in the pastoral family care.
Here are the main themes:
- Marriage Preparation
- Accompaniment of spouses
- Education of children
- Beauty and challenges of family life
- Accompaniment of couples in crisis
- Formation of pastoral workers, seminarians, priests
- Missionary vocation in families
- Pastoral care of the elderly
- Youth ministry
- Preparation of the 10th World Meeting of Families, Rome June 2022
- Accompaniment of wounded families
- In-depth study of Amoris Laetitia
These paths echo various missions of the Chemin Neuf Community, of which CANA is a part.
CANA works for couples and families around the world through various programs in nearly 50 countries.
CANA Welcome
In 2012, we launched CANA Welcome, which is a journey for couples who wish to deepen their relationship as a man and a woman, who are wondering about a future commitment, or who wish to be accompanied in their daily life… This is a journey where 9 themes are addressed during 9 evenings around 9 themes, in a small group of 5 couples.
Designed to be facilitated in complete autonomy within an ecclesial framework, this course is composed of a teaching kit and communication tools necessary for a good promotion around you.
CANA Welcome is currently available in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovakian and Spanish.
If CANA Welcome is not yet translated into your language, please contact the CANA International secretariat:
The CANA Welcome proposal has been very well received by the Vatican, which is promoting the course on its website.
An easy to use program for accompaniment, formation, evangelization and pastoral care of any couples which is parish-based