A year dedicated to the joy of love
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the publication of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love, Pope Francis has launched a year dedicated to the family. It opened with the feast of Saint Joseph on March 19 and will be celebrated on June 26, 2022 in Rome by the World Meeting of Families.
To support the CANA Fraternity on this journey, we want to share with you proposals that will accompany you all this year:
Each month, our humble CANA News will offer you in-depth articles on the main topics covered in the exhortation Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love. They can be used as a basis for training and food for all to think about! For this, we will call on specialists of this Letter but also witnesses of the apostolic work carried out in recent years around Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love or those who have benefited from it.
Throughout these months, we will be encouraged to work on and appropriate for ourselves the questions raised by Pope Francis on the beauty and joy of family love. For example, you can propose around you to watch the film “The Joy of Love” that we published in 2018 to illustrate Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love, and take a time of sharing on the subject. This Net for God film, available in many languages, was shot partly in Dublin during the last World Meeting of the Family.
Everyone can also give themselves as a first objective to read this exhortation in full (alone, in fraternity or in a group)! It is available in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese on the Vatican website.
On March 15, we had the joy of participating in an international meeting organised by the Vatican / Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. About thirty movements were represented, coming from all corners of the planet. Compared to previous years, there was a new element at the request of the Pape: associations dealing with older people have participated in this meeting and will be involved in the process. The representatives of the dicastery strongly encouraged us to promote any action related to Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love, each according to his charisma. They proposed that we use the logo above and the video tools that will be made available throughout the year. You can already see the short clip to launch the year here: English, Spanish.
- By joining in this proposal of the Roman Catholic Church, CANA France opened this Year of the Family on Friday, March 19, with a special CANA’P evening on the theme : “Being a parent, a challenge for married life”, the challenge of continuing to take care of our couple when the children expand our family circle! God gives us to be co-creators with Him to help our children grow, to educate them for the freedom that allows us to make personal choices to move forward in life. At the same time, we learn to look after our marital relationship as a treasure that is the foundation of what we want to convey. The testimony and example of shared love begins at home!
The French-speaking world can always benefit from the film: “Être parent, un défi pour la vie conjugale” is available in replay.
- During the month of June, we will invite all CANA couples around the world to connect together by joining us via the internet for a special event. We hope that we can have as many people as possible to launch this special year within the CANA Fraternity.
Do not hesitate to share with us your particular questions or wishes for this year and in connection with Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love. We will be happy to make the link with the dicastery to share the treasures of CANA’s pedagogy.
We will celebrate the closing of this special time on the occasion of the 10th World Meeting of Families in Rome on June 26, 2022. We will have the opportunity to talk further about this festive event and the ways we will choose with the CANA mission to celebrate this very special moment.
Happy Year of the Family with Amoris Laetitia – The Joy of Love.