This month, CANA News focuses on recent developments in the CANA Welcome programme. This programme is the fruit of the Chemin Neuf Community’s CANA mission, which has been accompanying couples and families in nearly 50 countries for more than 40 years.
To help couples and family care, the CANA mission has launched CANA Welcome: a journey for couples who want to build a solid and harmonious relationship. This course, led by couples who wish to share the joy of being in a couple, is centered on dialogue and communication, and is conducted in an autonomous and flexible manner in a friendly setting.
The journey consists of 9 monthly meetings and an annual weekend which can be experienced as a family with the children. CANA Welcome allows couples to take time together, and with others, to address the major issues of being a couple. It is particularly well suited to the questions of couples between 25 and 45 years of age, especially those in the early years of their relationship, which are often the most perilous.
We find that discovering how to listen and talk with other couples in a fellowship setting helps to develop more quickly as a couple, to better appreciate and strengthen life together, and to learn to identify the Lord’s passage in the whole life.
CANA Welcome is usually organised in a parish or local church setting. The parish priest or pastor calls a couple to be in charge. Whatever the setting, CANA Welcome can become a warm, friendly and a genuine place of sharing.
To launch a CANA Welcome programme nearby, a pedagogical kit with clear and easy-to-use tools is currently available in 12 languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Spanish.
CANA Welcome is part of the CANA educational universe. It can be a first step before experiencing the CANA Week, which is the heart of the CANA proposals.
CANA Welcome in the world in 2021-2022
Here are the locations of this year’s CANA Welcome programmes. This interactive map leads you to more than 80 parishes or local churches in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.