Welcome to the Hong Kong CANA page
The first CANA week in Hong Kong took place in 2010.
加納香港歡迎你! 無論你是天主教徒、基督新教徒、混合婚姻、非信徒夫婦(加納夫婦事工)或是離婚單身者(加納希望事工),我們邀請你們一同體驗和經歷聖神的帶領和天主的恩寵。來!看看吧!
With CANA Hong Kong, take time out as a couple for your couple… Find the meaning of life as a couple and share with others the richness and difficulties of life together. Celebrate together the joy of the couple and the family by opening up to the action of God who shapes your couple.
In Hong Kong, CANA proposals take place in the cities of Hong Kong (香港) and Macau (澳門).