We arrived in a still difficult context for the Church in China: controls are frequent, and the tension is palpable.

The core CANA couples in Shijiazhuang gave us an incredibly warm welcome, and we shared some wonderful moments: leader training, discussions, and exchanges, as well as future perspectives for CANA… all made possible thanks to the faithful translation of Augustine, a CANA member from Hong Kong. Overall, CANA is flourishing in Shijiazhuang: 20 couples attended the CANA week in mid-July in Xian Xian.

We then went to Xian Xian, where the bishop warmly welcomed us. He has known CANA for a long time and shared with us that with the rise in divorces, the need for the formation and care of couples is more pressing than ever.

Lastly, a new chapter is opening for CANA in China, with Handan, also located in the Hebei region.

Despite the difficulties that Christians in China face, we rejoice in the presence of CANA in these three geographic areas in Hebei. Let us pray for this great country and the discreet but faithful presence of CANA in China for more than 10 years!

Father Stephan Lange, responsible for the Chemin Neuf Community in Manila, Philippines, joined us for this beautiful mission in Hong Kong. Staying with couples, the Hong Kong subway is (almost) no longer a mystery to us.

We held a weekend training session for leaders, gathering the leaders of CANA fraternities and those from CANA Espérance (CANA Hope). This weekend was an opportunity to thank Kevin & Agnes for so many years of service to CANA and to welcome Steven & Demi to their new leadership role.

We discussed the program for the coming year in an effort to reach as many young couples as possible, who are very busy with their respective jobs, children, and the hectic life of Hong Kong. CANA open days in parishes, 123 CANA… The challenge is to create something new to renew CANA!

We were fortunate to meet with the chancellor of Hong Kong and another priest responsible for the formation of permanent deacons. We discussed the possibility of having all permanent deacons experience the CANA week as part of their formation program. These two meetings gave us joy about the collaboration between CANA and the diocese.

To be continued…